Loading Contentcontent loaded from database... Wetlands & Waterfowl BookletAIDA has created a 32-page Wetlands and Waterfowl booklet. Wetlands provide nesting habitat for ducks, geese, swans... Irrigation Districts in Alberta and Ducks Unlimited Canada have teamed-up over a period of 75 years to create 82,000 acres of wetlands..... AIDA has produced a booklet with pictures and description of 22 campgrounds, day use areas, waters used by anglers and a list of golf courses in Alberta's irrigated region. |
Sunset on Lake Newell Reservoir
If you love sailing, bird watching, lazing on the beach, swimming or fishing, then Lake Newell is a must. -
Spring Migration
Spring is now upon us in Alberta which means that many birds will be in the midst of their migration to northern areas. -
Ice Fishing
Winters can be extremely cold in southern Alberta but that does not stop many individuals and families from enjoying time out on Alberta's reservoirs. -
Irrigation-the Lifeblood of Southern Alberta
Irrigation development in Alberta totals in excess of 1.6 million acres and represents almost 70% of all irrigation in Canada.